Blog or Not?

A statistically improbable polymath's views on politics and culture.

Thursday, February 17, 2005
The True Moral Majority
I think it's morally wrong to let children go without health care just because their parents have made [EDIT] monetarily unwise career choices.

I think it's morally wrong for a teacher to make a child feel bad because she doesn't share the religious faith of the majority of her classmates.

I think it's morally wrong for the president to lie his way into war.

I think it's morally wrong to force a rape victim to carry her rapist's child.

I think it's morally wrong to rape and torture prisoners of war.

I think it's morally wrong to execute over 300 people on Texas's Death Row and then talk about "a culture of life"

And so do most Americans. And so does the Democratic Party. And it's time we talked about these moral values as we live them, instead of letting others define the moral agenda of our country.

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