Blog or Not?

A statistically improbable polymath's views on politics and culture.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Captain's Blog, Scavdate -1.17
Sunday's dumpster dive, featuring me, co-Captain the Shoshinator, Bilal (Blog or Not?'s Afghan language correspondent), and Julian (frequent Blog or Not? commentator), was a success. We have obtained a large quanity of high-quality plywood courtesy of the renovations at the University of Chicago's law school and the Midway Studios, and plan to undergo a similar expedition tonight.

Unfortuately, the Captain's Dell of Power is infected with the benighted Gaobot virus. I apologize for the delays in blog updates, especially with regards to the "The Red and the Blue" series. Rest assured, you shall soon see my fisking of the section on gays, guns, and hanging with the guys.

By the way, Sophonisba does Gary: The Davin Reed Experience is still in the market for a Road Trip car. Please contact mcraig (at) uchicago {dot} edu for details.

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